

桃園雙效偉哥Double Effect線上購買

Doctrine of Double Effect - Stanford Encyclopedia of …

双重效果论 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Principle of double effect - Wikipedia

雙重效果論 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

雙重效果論(或雙果律、雙重效應原則、雙重效果原則、倫理結果原則、倫理雙果原則 ;英語: The principle of double effect、rule of double effect、the doctrine of double effect …

Doctrine of Double Effect: Applications and …

The doctrine of double effect is a complex and controversial ethical principle. It can undermine practices such as euthanasia, which are generally outlawed but legal in …

Double Effect - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书

Double Effect意为双重效应(日文: 二重結果論 ) 二重結果論誕生 :某种行动的目的是好的,而且确实能带来好效果;但同时也会伴随着一些与目的不符的坏效果。如药物的治 …

Why quitting antidepressants takes special care | The Star

Since increased doses don’t have a linear effect, it makes sense that decreased doses don’t either. Horowitz said that a two-milligram dose can have half the …

What is the Principle of ‘Double Effect’? - Human Life …

The principle of double effect states that it is morally permissible to perform an action that will produce both good and bad effects as long as the following conditions …

戴维斯双杀是中国人编造出来的吗? - 知乎

“Davis double-killing effect”属于把中国人翻译出来的词又按字面意思倒着翻译回去了,应该是错误的表达式。 约翰·罗斯柴尔德这哥们儿是知名的财经作家,与彼得·林奇合著有《 …


双重效应(double effect)是2003年公布的自然辩证法名词。

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