

雙效偉哥Double Effect使用需知

Doctrine of Double Effect - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Doctrine of Double Effect: Applications and Misinterpretations

The doctrine of double effect is a complex and controversial ethical principle. It can undermine practices such as euthanasia, which …

因果推断笔记——DML :Double Machine Learning案例学习(十 …

EconML’s DynamicDML estimator is an extension of Double Machine Learning approach to dynamically estimate the period effect of treatments assigned …

The Doctrine of Double Effect Ethics & Criticism - Study.com

The doctrine of double effect, as stated by St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) in his book Summa Theologica, is a moral principle which states that a person is morally …

Double Effect - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书

Double Effect意为双重效应(日文: 二重結果論 ) 二重結果論誕生 :某种行动的目的是好的,而且确实能带来好效果;但同时也会伴随着一些与目的不符的坏效果。如药物的治 …

Quiz & Worksheet - The Doctrine of Double Effect | Study.com

The doctrine of double effect deals with unintended consequences of our actions. Determine your familiarity with this doctrine by using this combination quiz and …

What is the Principle of ‘Double Effect’? - Human Life International

Pope Pius XII summarized the intent of the principle of double effect in 1951: “Both for the one and the other, the demand cannot be but this: To use every …

戴维斯双杀是中国人编造出来的吗? - 知乎

不是中国人编造出来的,是翻译的问题。. 戴维斯家族的这个投资风格应该是见于一本书《戴维斯王朝》,作者是约翰·罗斯柴尔德。. 书中原文是“Davis double play”,中国人把它翻 …

What Is The Principle of Double Effect? - Catholic-Link

The New Catholic Encyclopedia states the conditions for the application of the Principle of Double Effect in this way: 1) The act itself must be morally good or at …

Le double effet Gisgoul - Dofus pour les Noobs

La quête se lance dans Gisgoul en [-17,21] en parlant à Gobovette dans la mine qui se plaint du salaire des gobelins « Proposer votre aide ». Allez donc voir Bworkemada en [ …

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