


instinct中文 (繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典

C2. the way people or animals naturally react or behave, without having to think or learn about it. 本能,直覺. All his instincts told him to stay near the car and wait for help. 他的 …

instinct中文 (简体)翻译:剑桥词典

instinct. noun [ C or U ] uk / ˈɪn.stɪŋkt / us / ˈɪn.stɪŋkt /. C2. the way people or animals naturally react or behave, without having to think or learn about it. 本能,直觉. All his …

英語「Instinct 」の意味・使い方・読み方 | Weblio英和辞書

Instinct 」の意味・翻訳・日本語 - 本能、直観、直感、勘|Weblio英和・和英辞書 Instinct : 本能,直観,直感,勘 英和辞典・和英辞典

本能 Instinct 2 系列智能户外运动腕表 | Garmin 佳明官方网站

本能 Instinct 2 系列智能户外运动腕表有多款尺寸供您选择,搭配 Power Glass 太阳能充电镜面最大可达无限续航,更多大胆新配色,活力运动生活方式。 无论生活将把你带到何 …

Instinct 追寻本能 | Garmin 中国

Instinct Tactical Edition 本能系列战术版,融入数位迷彩元素与战地掩蔽色彩概念,展现军规强悍真本色。 灵感来自美国陆军作战服OCP全地形迷彩图样,采水转印技术完整呈现经 …

如何评价电影《本能Basic Instinct》? - 知乎

INSTINCT | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

C2. the way people or animals naturally react or behave, without having to think or learn about it: All his instincts told him to stay near the car and wait for help. [ + to infinitive ] …

instinct是什么意思_instinct的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在 …

instinctive. 本能的instinct[n.本能,直觉,天性]+ive表形容词→adj.本能的


distinct / instinct / extinct / indistinct distinct a.清楚的,明显的;(from)截然不同的 instinct n.本能,直觉,天性 extinct a.灭绝的;熄灭了的 indistinct adj. 模糊的,模糊不清的,不清楚的 …

Instinct Raw Pet Food | The Choice is Raw

At Instinct, we provide a variety of ways to add raw to your pet’s routine. That includes frozen raw meals, freeze-dried raw meals, raw toppers, kibble boosted with raw, and …

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